Religious writers write non-fiction books, history books, magazine articles, Christian novels, lesson books, study guides, online articles and much more. I even know of a writer who translates the Bible into various languages! Writers are very important to ministries!
In addition to traditional ministry coverage for property and general liability, writers need highly specialized liability coverage (one example of many: religious freedom protection liability) that should be trusted only to an experienced agent and insurance company.
Religious writers need to be insured with a company and through an agency that are thoroughly familiar with their unique operations. We can help and we know how to help! Let us put our experience to work for you.
Please contact us for a free quote. We need only basic information from you to get the quote process started. You can provide the information in a variety of ways: 1. We can gather the information over the phone. 2. You can email us a simple email request. 3. You can complete our easy-to-use Quote Request Form (no more than two minutes of your time to complete).
Thank you for your consideration. We hope to hear from you soon!