Generations of great Americans have selflessly served their country and their local community through one or more fraternity organizations.
Today's generation is no different. Community service is an honorable and important endeavor, and it is one that deserves the best that the insurance industry has to offer.
Buildings & contents, specialized assets with unique valuations, lodge liability, cooking equipment, prepared meals, community work projects -- we are familiar with all of the potential risks you need to have insurance coverage for. (And, of course, we also know what coverage options you should not waste your organization's money on!)
Please contact us for a free quote. We need only basic information from you to get the quote process started. You can provide the information in a variety of ways: 1. We can gather the information over the phone. 2. You can email us a simple email request. 3. You can complete our easy-to-use Quote Request Form (no more than two minutes of your time to complete).
Thank you for your consideration. We hope to hear from you soon!