The poor and needy rely on you in their time of need. You have to make each dollar count in order to fulfill your obligations while still making certain that you have the right insurance for your ministry.
Feeding centers have special liability insurance needs. The insurance companies we represent insure many feeding centers across Georgia and throughout the United States. We have the experience to help you, to provide maximum insurance coverage at the most reasonable premium available. Do not conduct your ministry without the certainty of the right level of insurance at the right price!
Please contact us for a free quote. We need only basic information to get the quote process started. You can provide that in a variety of ways: 1. We can gather the information over the phone. 2. You can email us a simple email request. 3. You can complete our easy-to-use Quote Request Form (no more than two minutes of your time to complete).
Thank you for your consideration. We hope to hear from you soon!